Michael - Riverside
Janet - Lake View
We appreciate everything that S.A.F.E. has done for our family. We had a serious situation with our landlord, they were treating us like trash and doing things to make our lives miserable, but being members of S.A.F.E. Housing Union they were able to mediate with us and our landlord, and put them in their place in a nice way, after that no more problems. Our landlord now respects us because they know we are members of S.A.F.E. Housing Union. Thank you so much S.A.F.E. our family appreciates it!
S.A.F.E. is absolutely amazing, our landlord was trying to evict us over false pretenses, we became members of S.A.F.E. Housing Union, their people are wonderful, they were super nice, and paid attention to details, after reviewing our situation it was determined that our landlord was trying to retaliate against us. S.A.F.E. contacted our landlord, and afterwards our landlord backed off. We thought for sure we would have to go to court, but we didn't! We are so grateful for S.A.F.E. and becoming a member, it's well worth that's for sure!
So I heard about S.A.F.E. Housing Union from a relative of mine, they were a member, and thought very highly of them. I didn’t need them at the time, but my relative convinced me to become a member. I had been a member for a few months, and I ended up needing to move, and when I did, I ended up renting from a property management company. All seemed well, but after a couple weeks, I started noticing that there were things in my apartment that were not working as they should, I contacted S.A.F.E. just to be sure what I should do, and they recommended for me to document everything, by pictures, video, and writing. Then to contact my property manager in writing by certified mail with return receipt and let them know about what wasn’t working. I did everything I could and the property manager was just ignoring me. So I once again I contacted S.A.F.E. to let them know after a month of contacting my property manager nothing had been done to solve the issue. S.A.F.E. sent out a letter to the property manager, however that didn’t matter, they ignored them as well. So S.A.F.E. contacted me by email to let me know they were contacting the property owner, about 5 days later, I receive a call from the property manager that someone will be out in 2 days to make repairs, and they were sorry for the inconvenience, and that also, they would give me 5% off my next month’s rent and that they would put it in writing. S.A.F.E. contacted me by email once again to let me know they had contacted the property owner in writing and let them know if the issues were not taken care of promptly, S.A.F.E. would be well within their rights to make repairs, at the property owner’s expense, and that they needed to compensate me for the problems. Never in my life would have thought I would need them, but thank God I became a member! Very happy member indeed!
We literally had the landlord from hell! Didn’t care about our situation, could care less about anything but what they wanted. They were doing everything illegally, including harassing us, we had been dealing with this landlord for a long time, and over time things got worse. They wouldn’t fix anything, blamed us for everything, and kept trying to raise the rent every few weeks. We heard from a neighbor about S.A.F.E. Housing Union, a first of its kind Union to help tenants, we were basically out of options as we could not even find a lawyer that would help us. We signed up, and became a member, it took some time for them to review everything, but we are very happy they did. S.A.F.E. is absolutely amazing, the first thing they did was check to see if we followed our Rental Agreement, which we had, and we had proof of all correspondence from us to our landlord, and landlord to us. They then contacted our landlord, and just with S.A.F.E. contacting our landlord it sure changed our landlords attitude. However, a short time later they proceeded to try and evict us, the big picture was this, our family wanted out and away from this vindictive landlord hell hole! So when S.A.F.E. contacted us with our options, which we had grounds to take them to court for non repairs, harassment, retaliation, and more, we opted for buying time to get out, and suing our landlord in court. S.A.F.E. helped us get plenty of time to move, and helped us locate a place to go. This place and the people are amazing.
On a side note:
With the help of S.A.F.E. we are suing our landlord and expect to win.
Samantha - Monrovia
So I had to change my 4 star to a 5 star because when I was going through my situation with my landlord it seemed as if S.A.F.E. wasn’t doing enough to help me, however when it came down to it I realized that they were trying to take into account all the different angles my landlord was using against me. Honestly seemed to me that the process with S.A.F.E. took forever, but they are very particular on how they do things, and they cover all the bases. They kept me informed, and I actually had missed one of their correspondences to me, and that caused a delay as well. Overall I’m very happy with my membership.
A Happy Member
I became a member of S.A.F.E. housing union due to my aunt being a member. I ran into an issue with my landlord in October, I was renting a room from my landlord, they lived on the premises as well, after a few short months of staying there I found out that my landlord was border line psychotic and had to suffer from bi polar disorder or something. Everything had to be their way, and they assumed whatever they wanted, whatever they assumed they took as fact. We had shared living room, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. My landlord lied about everything, they were a compulsive liar and manipulator, and they would say one thing and change it the next minute or expect you not to do what they said you could do. They were a total narcissist; they finally illegally took me to court to evict me for no reason. As a member of S.A.F.E. they provided me with legal representation and mediated with me against the landlords demented blood thirsty lawyer, S.A.F.E. was able to negotiate and allowed me to get enough time to get out of that place which is exactly what I wanted, they got me almost 2 entire months extra, and I did not have to pay anything I was able to live there rent free and use everything while looking for another place to live. This of course pissed off my landlord who was living there for free anyway like a freeloader off the owners of the actual property, they were a complete fraud.
After the mediation, and court ruled judgment my landlord began doing illegal things to try and retaliate against me, they began locking the bathroom, making it to where I could not do laundry, locked me out of the house multiple times and no I never received a key, even made it to where I could not use the kitchen to cook food. I contacted S.A.F.E. about this and they provided me with legal help to take care of this landlord from hell. So anyone out there that is considering becoming a member, please take my advice, become a member it’s well worth every penny. I was on a waiting list for a period of time, but the wait was worth it.
Jake S.
I’m only giving 4 stars because I honestly didn’t get what I wanted out of my situation with my landlord, however this isn’t due to any fault of S.A.F.E. They did everything they could, but I made some mistakes myself which cost me in the long run. Although at times it seems as though S.A.F.E. moves very slowly, I also didn’t contact them with enough time to really help my situation, I was already a member and totally forgot that I was when my situation came up, by the time I got them the information, not much could be done. I will continue to be a member, but hopefully next time I remember that I am a member with enough time to actually do something about my landlord situation.
Mr. Gomez
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A Happy Member