Why S.A.F.E.?

Standard tenants unions and tenants associations advocate for tenants rights work to improve living conditions, usually by holding rallies, protests, lobbying state and federal lawmakers. And at times, work with landlords. They also work to change housing policies. They can also help tenants understand their rights, sometimes resolve issues with their landlords. Most tenants unions follow five simple rules to help tenants.

Educate tenants:

Help tenants understand their rights as renters. Improve living conditions. They work to advocate for repairs in common areas, establish eviction protections and minimize rent increases.

Negotiate with landlords:

At times, they may consider negotiating with landlords on behalf of their members, lobbying for policy change. They often lobby local officials to change housing policies and address homelessness.

Work to improve Living Conditions:

They work to advocate for repairs in common area’s, establish eviction protections and minimize rent increases.

Lobby for Policy Change:

They often lobby local officials to change housing policies and address homelessness.

Take collective action:

They may engage in civil disobedience, peaceful protests or sit-ins.

However, for the most part, what standard tenant unions and associations do is far from hands on or immediately helpful, as most concentrate on educating tenants on their rights and telling them to organize with other tenants to go against their Landlords.

Just try attending any number of their tenant meetings or organization meetings we did, and it was not immediately helpful.

So what makes S.A.F.E. Housing Union different than standard Tenants Associations, or Tenant Unions? The fact that we are completely redefining Tenants Unions and what purpose they serve; by providing our members the ability to get into affordable homeownership programs, and by building and providing our members a solid foundation on which to stand, an ever growing family and community, and unlike any other Tenants Union we stand with you, taking a fully hands on approach, by doing so we go beyond anything a standard Tenants Association, or Tenants Union does. We are literally revolutionizing the way Tenant Unions operate.

We can apply any of the remedies that standard Tenants Associations or Tenants Unions do, and we do; however we go much further in our protections for our members.

S.A.F.E. Housing Union Provides:

Eradicating Homelessness:

S.A.F.E. is working on eradicating homelessness, by addressing issues that cause it, before they happen. Most homeless were evicted, or foreclosed on, especially due to usury, unfair rental practices, or unfair lending practices. By eliminating these issues, and making affordable homeownership more readily available, we begin to eliminate the root cause of homelessness.

Providing a Path to Affordable Homeownership:

At S.A.F.E. our primary mission is working on providing every one of our members an ability to get into Affordable Homeownership, we do this by getting each of our members into an affordable homeownership program as soon as there is an opening.

Membership Payments:

How many Tenants Associations, Tenants Unions, Or Memberships do you get your membership payments back? Every time each member pays their monthly membership fee, it goes towards their new home, at the time of purchase of the home, you will receive the total of your entire membership off your home, lowering your payments. (Please note that if any member tenant or homeowner needs assistance of any kind, such as stopping an eviction, needing to move, stopping a foreclosure or anything requiring any type of payment for services, this will come out of the monthly membership first.)

Member Life Improvement:

At S.A.F.E. we go well beyond the standard union, we work to help our members improve their lives, and achieve their dreams. We believe that our members deserve a helping hand up out of the trenches of renting, predatory lending, and usury and onto a steady life changing platform foundation, so we offer programs and work with our members to get them the stability they need. Including help them work towards homeownership and financial stability.

Housing is a Right, Renting is Not:

We believe every American citizen deserves the right to have a home to live in, and we work with our Members to provide that; however we DO NOT believe in renting, we know that all of our members that rent are literally throwing their hard earned money away to a landlord and other than having a roof over their head, get nothing out of it. That’s why we work with our members one by one to get them into stable housing and out of the trenches of renting. Where they can gain respect, knowledge, and contribute to their community.

Housing is a Right, for Homeowners:

As a homeowner we believe you have the right to be able to afford your home, without usury, or elicit behavior from your lender. Be it high interest rates, a balloon payment, adjustable rate, or making it virtually impossible to pay off your home, we work to get our members that are already purchasing a home out of the trenches of usury, and into affordable homeownership.

Locating Housing:

As one of our members needs to find a new place to live, we work with them in every way possible to help them locate a place to call home.


We specialize in helping our Military Families; we have special incentives specifically available to our Military Members. We also give priority to all Military Families in finding and getting into affordable homeownership.

Our Community:

We are often asked, who is your community, and who can join. The fact is we are becoming the largest and fastest growing Tenants Union in the continental United States; we serve every state from coast to coast. We are fully incorporated in the state of Arkansas. We operate in virtually every state.


At times S.A.F.E. Housing Union teams up with other businesses and organizations that are like minded and have our same vision and goals to provide additional resources for our members. These businesses and organizations MUST have the understanding that S.A.F.E. has set goals, and they MUST work with us to achieve those goals.


S.A.F.E. does fundraisers to help increase our ability to provide for our members and our communities.

Community Outreach:

We work to provide services outside our members that reaches into the heart of our communities, we organize different events that work to bring funds, clean ups, and other charitable actions to our communities.

Union and Ministry:

We are both a Union of tenants and homeowners that stand together as one united family and community, as one voice, and one empowered unstoppable force, and also a Non Denominational Christian Ministry that reaches out to each of our members and our community to show God’s love through our actions. We do not force any religion or religious aspects on anyone including our members, but we are open to everyone for prayer, communion, compassion, and letting God’s love flow to each person in faith we touch each person’s life.


We are the ONLY UNION to offer protections for homeowners. Homeowners may also become members.

Always Expanding:

S.A.F.E. is always looking for new and improved ways to help our members, and we are continuously expanding our member benefits.

We offer all the above to all of our members, furthermore while each member is awaiting to get into an Affordable Homeownership Program, or is in the process of getting into an Affordable Homeownership Program we provide the following protections to each of of our members to the best of our abilities.

Educate tenants:

We help our members know and understand their rights, and stand with them as they exercise them.

Improve Living Conditions:

When tenants first become our members, we require them to document their entire living area, and common areas, so we know if they are within legal working standards. If they are not, or if they fall into disrepair, we pressure landlords and property managers to get them repaired. When and where available we work to get the repairs done even if we have to provide the repairs.

Mediate for our Members with their Landlord or Property Manger:

When there is a dispute between one of our members and their landlord or property manager, if asked we can step in one on one and be a mediator between them, with our focus being on getting our member the best overall outcome.


If one of our members is being evicted, we determine if it’s a legal eviction or not. We also do everything in our power to keep our member from being evicted, including when and where available opening and providing legal litigation for our members. Either providing legal counsel or helping get our member legal counsel when and where available.

Lobbying for Policy Change:

We do work to help change policies for housing, tenant rights, eviction protections, to minimize rent increases, and to address homelessness; however we believe in circumventing these policies, by changing the entire landscape instead. We find that this works better.


S.A.F.E. does work on petitions on occasions, and by having a large amount of members, we usually can get the signatures required in record time.

Take collective action:

We take collective action by actually acting on a situation rather than trying to show our displeasure in the situation, we will NEVER engage in Civil Disobedience, Peaceful Protests, or Sit-Ins, we find this type of action does not accomplish what needs to be changed.


We will do everything in our power to help if you have a predatory lender, or if your lender attempts to do anything that illicit.

So as you can see, S.A.F.E. Housing Union goes well beyond the standard Tenants Associations, or Any Union, which is why we are quickly becoming the fastest growing and largest Union in the continental United States. Want to become part of this family and community? Join now.