Have you ever wanted to truly make a difference?
Would you like to be a blessing in the life of someone who truly needs it?
Do you have ideas that you believe might help someone in need or be a blessing to someone, and don’t know how to go about getting your ideas off the ground?
Introducing S.A.F.E. Housing Union’s Volunteer Resource Network (V.R.N.), a collective group of diverse people from all walks of life, and all backgrounds; a group of volunteers that work together in collaboration with one another to come up with unique and innovative ways to create ideas on how to further the Ministry that S.A.F.E. Housing Union provides for those in need, from our members to our communities.
Besides the everyday duties of the V.R.N., every member also works together to help provide resources to our members, or members of our community that are in any type of emergency situation, from raising money, to collecting food, clothing, fundraising, helping prevent an eviction, keeping a utility from being turned off, no matter the need, no matter where, our Network of Volunteers come together to find solutions, come up with ideas, raise money, spread the word, and much more
Our V.R.N. members work to help put together such things as fundraisers, help locate resources for a member, helping the community to pushing S.A.F.E. Housing Union further to provide more for our members and communities; this team of Volunteers will work together to bring forth a community of ideas, and answers to help the Board of Director’s move S.A.F.E. Housing Union to better provide for our members and communities.
It is important to note that ALL members of the V.R.N. are expected to actively contribute to the overall progress of the Union and Ministry by offering valuable advice and guidance. Their expertise and experience will be highly sought after by the Board of directors who may consult with them individually or as a whole to seek innovative ideas and solutions to various situations.
The V.R.N. will be made up of people from all around the United States, from every state, from all backgrounds, every ethnicity, race and creed. All that is required is a similar belief, a passion to help others, and a burning passion to accomplish and make reality what people say can’t be done. Do you have the drive it takes, to prove what can be done, to show the love of Christ through your works?
We are looking for people from every possible background to join, are you a….?
UPDATE: We are proud to announce a NEW incentive for every Member of our Volunteer Resource Network, each Member will be given an assigned I.D., this I.D. will be used for our New Incentive Program.
V.R.N. members can receive 0ne (1) FREE Quarterly Raffle Ticket for every person they get to become a New member of S.A.F.E. Housing Union. Also, for every new person they get to become a new V.R.N. member they will also receive one (1) FREE Quarterly Raffle Ticket.
Furthermore, each person that you get to become a member of the V.R.N., or a Union member, that person will receive one (1) FREE Quarterly Raffle Ticket. They MUST use your assigned I.D. when they sign up. There is NO limit on how many times you can refer people.
So tell your family, tell your neighbors, your co workers, your Uber driver, your mail person, and everyone you know!
Process for On boarding V.R.N. Members:
The process to become a member of S.A.F.E. Housing Union V.R.N. is a three (3) step process.
Step 1: Complete and Submit the Online Form
Step 2: We will send you an email with a scheduled Interview, the interview will take place either via phone call or via a platform similar to Zoom, if the scheduled interview time doesn’t work for you that you receive in the email, notify us by email to reschedule.
Step 3: You will then receive an email from us stating you are either approved with your information, assigned I.D. etc., or you will receive an email letting you know you have been denied, and why, (however this rarely happens)
Truck Driver
Health Professional
Exercise Professional
Financial Planner
Real Estate Agent
Property Manager
Fire Fighter
Police Officer
First Responder
Manager (of any kind)
Attorney (of any kind)
Para Legal
Construction Worker
Customer Service Representative
Or any other licensed or unlicensed job position
Although V.R.N. is a volunteer position, joining our V.R.N. may lead to a paying position with S.A.F.E. Housing Union, and is also the ONLY way to become a paid member of S.A.F.E. Housing Union as we hire ONLY through our V.R.N. How you perform as a volunteer will have a direct impact on applying for current open positions, including but not limited to positions on the Board of Directors. Furthermore, members of our V.R.N. may also receive added benefits from being part of our V.R.N. if their participation as a volunteer has been proven an asset to S.A.F.E. Possible benefits could include, but not limited to things such as free tickets, free food, gift certificates, and more!
Anyone wanting to join our V.R.N. MUST agree to help S.A.F.E. Housing Union with everything from spreading the word to helping raise money to helping come up with new and innovative ideas, and help bring them to fruition. Anyone joining our V.R.N. may join anytime, and leave at anytime, however to be considered for any type of paid position each member MUST be part of our V.R.N. for a minimum of 6 months with good standing by being a crucial part of helping move things forward. Furthermore, as the title states this is a volunteer Network, which means collaborating with others on our team, and working with others to help find solutions to issues that people in our community are contending with and as quickly as possible.
At certain times, the Board of Director’s will call a meeting (usually by phone, or by a platform such as Zoom) to go over any ideas, or any immediate needs for a member, members, S.A.F.E. or otherwise.
Are you ready to make a difference in someone’s life; are you ready to be a blessing to many, many people in your community? Are you ready to join S.A.F.E. Housing Union’s Volunteer Resource Network?
If so, please complete the Form below, submit it, and we will contact you as soon as possible!
Furthermore, any Member of our V.R.N. can be a Member of S.A.F.E., and any Member of S.A.F.E. can be a Member of our V.R.N..